

It is said, if you die in your dreams, you die in real life. I don’t know if that is true, I have never died in my dreams and because I am still here I can only assume I never have.

I am fascinated with dreams and what they may allude to. I have a dream interpretation book, I google anything and everything. What am I trying to tell myself? What am I going through or working through or dealing with? Clearly my subconscious must be telling me something, right? 

Some of the dreams make sense with what might be happening and others, well, are just plain weird. I don’t always remember the dreams so when I do, I think that means something too. I must look it up, I remembered it for some reason, nothing is random. Why did I remember that dream and not the one I had last night and the googling begins.

Here is one thing I know for sure. No dream book, no google, no interpretation, no hidden meaning, no subconscious trying to tell me something… this I know for sure…

If you pee in your dream, you WILL pee in real life. For the love of God and all that is holy, wake yourself up and run to the bathroom. That, my friends, is just way too much water before bed.

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